1st day, 3 Hour Kite Control Lesson on the beach. First you will learn to fly a small trainer kite for about 1 hour, this teaches you kite control, theory and safety without the power of larger kites. The next step is to fly the small 4 line inflatable kite or Soft Kite ( depend on the wind condition ) . You will learn kite set up and the safety systems then how to fly the kite with control. You’ll complete this step when you can show full control of the kite, the depower system, 1 handed flying and safety systems.
2nd day, 3 Hour Body Drag Lesson in the water. Now it’s time to take the kite into the water! You’ll be flying a bigger kite now with longer lines. You’ll first learn to enter and exit the water while flying the kite and do Body Dragging through the water. You’ll learn how to harness the power of the kite and how to re-launch the kite incase it crashes into the water. The final step is 1 handed upwind body drags and being able to navigate independently in the water. If you are a fast learner you may get to try the board but most people would need to sign up for a third lesson to really get up and ride with confidence.